Finding EU funding for innovative ideas in the fields of waste management, circular economy, energy, R&D, transport, innovation and health, agriculture, cultural and natural heritage, tourism and much more.
Sustainable Solutions GIU has been operating in Zagreb since the beginning of 2017 and employs a number of expert business consultants, with long-term experience in the submission of proposals and in the implementation of EU and locally funded projects. Our work covers all phases related to EU funding, from the initial project idea through application submission to project start-up and implementation.
Our services are valuable for both private and public entities in need of EU funding opportunities, reliable partnerships and developing ideas into a successful application.

Business consulting
For many years, Sustainable Solution has been educating, advising and helping clients in the preparation of mandatory documentation for EU funded projects.

Project development
We employ a number of expert business consultants who provide support to clients by exploring funding opportunities and preparation of project applications for EU funds.

Project management
Our project management team provides a complete service package that includes day-to-day coordination, communication, quality content delivery, management and reporting.

Project Communication
Internal project communication is key to not only supporting project goals, but also fostering engagement and creating synergies within partner organizations and between stakeholders.

Training and capacity building
We aim to provide a variety of training and capacity building services in the field of circular economy, sustainable energy, the development and management of EU funded projects, etc.
Sustainable Solutions has established a track record for successful applications to a number of European programmes. We have experience in proposal writing and project management services for European projects belonging, among others, to the following programmes: Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) instrument, Horizon Europe, LIFE, Interreg DANUBE, Interreg ADRION, Interreg EUROPE, Interreg IPA programmes


Konferencija “High-Level Interregional Conference Croatia Slovenia”
Konferencija ” High-Level Interregional Conference Croatia Slovenia” Zagreb, Hrvatska – [25. travnja 2024.] Sustainable Solutions GIU, u partnerstvu sa Slovenskim inovacijskim stičiščem, organizirao je konferenciju

Poticanje inovacija u digitalnom zdravstvu
Poticanje inovacija u digitalnom zdravstvu Sustainable Solutions GIU aktivno je podržao Klinički bolnički centar Rijeka u koordinaciji aktivnosti identifikacije potreba. Od početnog prepoznavanja do konkretnog

HealthChain I3 projekt traži nove partnere za suradnju sa KBC Rijeka
HealthChain I3 projekt traži nove partnere za suradnju sa KBC Rijeka Projekt HealthChain, financiran putem I3 instrumenta Europske unije, otvara vrata za mala i srednja

Expression of Interest is now open: Innovative European regions wanted!
Expression of Interest is now Open: Innovative European regions wanted! HealthChain is looking for five (5) Mirror Regions interested in implementing the HealthChain model in

Unmet need identification at Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka
Unmet Needs Identification at Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka In a recent workshop held at the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, our regional partner in the HealthChain

HealthChain consortium meets in Rijeka
The second General Assembly meeting of the HealthChain consortium was held in Rijeka, hosted by Sustainable Solutions, and chaired by the project coordinator Myriam Martin