Konferencija “High-Level Interregional Conference Croatia Slovenia”

Konferencija ” High-Level Interregional Conference Croatia Slovenia” Zagreb, Hrvatska – [25. travnja 2024.] Sustainable Solutions GIU, u partnerstvu sa Slovenskim inovacijskim stičiščem, organizirao je konferenciju “High-Level Interregional Conferenc Croatia Slovenia” održanu 25. travnja 2024. u Zagrebu. Ovaj događaj okupio je ključne dionike iz Slovenije i Hrvatske, potičući ključne rasprave i strateške suradnje s ciljem unapređenja […]

Poticanje inovacija u digitalnom zdravstvu

Poticanje inovacija u digitalnom zdravstvu Sustainable Solutions GIU aktivno je podržao Klinički bolnički centar Rijeka u koordinaciji aktivnosti identifikacije potreba. Od početnog prepoznavanja do konkretnog definiranja izazova, naša suradnja igrala je ključnu ulogu u privlačenju i olakšavanju suradnje s raznim MSP-ovima u digitalnom zdravstvu. Potičući rješenja za identificirane izazove, usmjeravamo projekt prema postizanju ciljeva, unaprjeđujući […]

HealthChain I3 projekt traži nove partnere za suradnju sa KBC Rijeka

HealthChain I3 projekt traži nove partnere za suradnju sa KBC Rijeka Projekt HealthChain, financiran putem I3 instrumenta Europske unije, otvara vrata za mala i srednja poduzeća (MSP-ovi) kako bi zajedno sa Kliničkim bolničkim centrom Rijeka adresirali izazove zdravstvenog sektora. Model HealthChain-a predstavlja inovativan pristup koji povezuje javni i privatni sektor kroz zajednički razvoj i interregionalnu […]

Expression of Interest is now open: Innovative European regions wanted!

Expression of Interest is now Open: Innovative European regions wanted! HealthChain is looking for five (5) Mirror Regions interested in implementing the HealthChain model in their region. As full partners in the HealthChain Consortium, they will benefit from specialized training and funding, empowering them to drive innovation in healthcare. If you are interested, you are […]

Unmet need identification at Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka

Unmet Needs Identification at Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka In a recent workshop held at the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, our regional partner in the HealthChain project, we witnessed an enthusiastic response from our esteemed colleagues. During this engaging session, participants were encouraged to reflect on their unmet needs within the hospital. This initiative is a […]

HealthChain consortium meets in Rijeka

The second General Assembly meeting of the HealthChain consortium was held in Rijeka, hosted by Sustainable Solutions, and chaired by the project coordinator Myriam Martin from Ticbiomed. On May 31st and June 1st, the 17 partners came together physically to review the progress and milestones achieved so far and discuss our future steps, mainly focusing […]

HealthChain – l3 instrument Partnership

Sustainable Solutions is a partner in the HealthChain project funded by the I3 instrument The HealthChain project brings together the public and private sectors to develop demand-driven digital health innovations, which will be done through co-creation between Healthcare Organisations and IT companies. HealthChain is a project funded under the Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) Instrument. The […]